As a Home Health Care agency owner, you know that having the right quality and quantity of caregivers on your team is key to keeping your business successful. As anyone in this industry knows, turnover can be very high – often leading to decreased satisfaction among both clients and staff. It’s important that you create an environment conducive to hiring and retaining personnel in order for your agency to succeed.
Not only are you looking for trustworthy individuals who will provide quality service to your clients – they must also stay with you long enough to ensure continuity within your agency. To help combat turnover in your agency, it’s essential that you take proactive steps to retain existing caregivers and prevent them from leaving
In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on how to keep caregivers from leaving your business so you can focus on growing your agency.
1. Give caregivers a break every once in a while.
Taking a break is an easy, cost-free way to help boost the morale of your caregivers. So make sure you let them take some much-deserved R&R! A recommended break time is 15 minutes every 3-4 hours. Encourage them to take a walk, call a friend, or eat a snack. This will allow them to have time to rethink or even refuel their bodies with food and water. By taking a break, your caregivers can come back refreshed and able to provide better care – creating an obvious win-win situation. You’ll be happy with their improved focus.
2. Let them know their work is appreciated.
Thank-you notes don’t have to be complicated or expensive – but they can make a big difference. Our previous blogs explored gifts for caregivers, an admirable gesture of appreciation no doubt. But, sometimes just recognizing their efforts with a heartfelt thank you letter goes further than any amount of money could ever do! A simple thank you can go an incredibly long way, with proven boosts in staff morale and better retention rates! Don’t forget: saying ‘thank you’ not only lets workers know that their efforts are noticed but also makes them feel valued and respected. To get started on creating your own heartwarming expression of gratitude, here’s our tried-and-true template:
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work and let you know that it does not go unnoticed. Caregiving can be such a challenging job, but every day you are helping someone and making such a difference in their lives. It’s no small feat we know; it takes patience, resilience, and true dedication! Thank you for all you do. You’re awesome!
3. Provide proper training and support.
Providing proper training and support can be so important for retaining caregivers. There is no worse feeling than showing up to a new job and having no idea what to do. Make sure to have someone patient and kind when teaching your staff, someone who doesn’t mind showing them how to do things. Providing proper training and support could help someone stay with your agency.
4. Offer competitive wages and benefits.
Although this might not be feasible for every agency, having competitive wages or a bonus system might be a great way to handle retention. We know this may be hard for a lot of agency owners because they might not even be getting paid on time themselves, if this sounds like you, you may want to consider using GEOH so you can get paid on time and have more money available to your caregivers.
5. Give your staff a gift.
Sometimes a small gift for your caregivers can go a long way. You may want to consider giving your staff a gift. A cup of coffee from Starbucks, a customized cup with their name on it, and stuffing it with their favorite candy are some of our favorite ideas. Remember the key to this is customization make sure to get their favorite, not yours! Ask for their favorite candy and coffee order in advance so you can be prepared.
6. Respect their time off requests.
We’ve all been working somewhere where we would like a day off and your boss says no, or flat-out schedules you anyway. It’s no fun to miss your child’s baseball game, have to work when you’re sick, or have to stay working a schedule that is not feasible for you. When your workers request time off, honor their request the first time and then send them a note saying I am honoring your time off request for ______ and hope you have a restful day off. This may go a long way when you are competing against agencies that do not honor their time off requests.
7. Communicate well and often as the boss.
Communication is something that can make a workplace frustrating. If you have to change the schedule- send a text. If you make an office change, try sending an email. Just remember that you can’t over-communicate with your staff and they will appreciate your openness.
8. Consider allowing longer lunch breaks.
A longer lunch break can quickly seem like a luxury to someone who does not have a lot of time. Offering a long lunch break could be nice so your caregivers could grab lunch out, or take a moment for themselves, an added bonus would be nice if you could offer them a lunch break paid! This would be a good option for your agency to show appreciation to your caregivers if you could not afford to give them a raise.
The great resignation is something we have all been familiar with as agency owners. More than ever before, Caregivers are quitting their jobs to move into a new field or moving to a new agency. This makes keeping caregivers a huge problem for agency owners.
Most importantly, make sure to let your caregivers know you care. Showing that you appreciate their hard work will go a long way in making them feel like part of the team and make it more likely they will stick around through the good and bad times.
With the right mindset and by taking advantage of all the tools available to you today, you should have no trouble keeping your talented staff around for years to come!
The Three Main Reasons Claims Could Get Denied – And How to Avoid Them
/in Agency Operations, Billing and Claims, Home Care News/by Bailey AndersonAs an agency owner, there’s nothing more frustrating than having a claim denied, that you thought would get you paid! Not only does it mean a delay in payment, but it also requires you to go through a potentially grueling process. That’s why it’s essential to understand the most common reasons claims get denied – and how you can avoid them. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the three main reasons that claims get denied, and the steps you can take to steer clear of these issues.
1. Failure to Verify Visits
One of the most commonly cited reasons for denied claims is also one of the most easily avoidable: failure to verify visits. This means that when you create the claim, you haven’t gone through the process of checking whether all visits have been verified in ( Your EVV provider like Sandata or Tellus.). This is a critical step because if a visit hasn’t been verified, the payer will not reimburse you for it. To avoid this issue, it’s crucial to check your provider (Your EVV provider like Sandata or Tellus) thoroughly and frequently.
An example of this in Indiana is as follows:
It is Thursday. You submit your visits for Monday through Friday even though Friday has not happened yet, and is not verified! Therefore, the entire claim is denied! Even Monday through Thursday, and you get paid, well, nothing. Yikes!
Make sure you’re keeping up to date with all verified visits so that you can submit claims that will ultimately get accepted.
2. Counting Units Incorrectly
Another common reason that claims get denied is due to incorrect unit counts. This is typically due to simple math errors, but it can also result from using the wrong date range or failing to do a discount double-check on the submitted claim. To avoid this pitfall, it’s essential to utilize GEOH to calculate units accurately. Do not use Sandata for this process, as it’s not always reliable, because it uses an incorrect unit rounding, costing you more units than you need to complete your billing.
Double-check your math and the date range you’re using to be sure that your claims will be accepted. Seriously, double-check your math! This is the MOST common error that claims are denied, and it is completely avoidable.
3. Missing or Incorrect Information
Finally, the third major reason claims get denied is because of missing or incorrect information. This could mean anything from a wrong diagnosis code, to missing EVV data. It’s essential to double-check your claims for completeness and accuracy before submitting them to the payer. Make sure that you’ve included all necessary information and that it’s correct. Any errors or omissions could result in your claim getting denied, so take the time to be thorough.
While there are many reasons a claim could get denied, these are the three most common. The good news is that each of these pitfalls is easily avoidable. By verifying visits, counting units accurately, and ensuring you’ve included all necessary information, you can help ensure that your claims get accepted and paid on time. As an agency owner, proactive attention to detail is critical to your success and financial stability. Plus, avoiding denied claims can save you valuable time and money. So, put in the effort now and reap the rewards later. Stay diligent, keep double-checking, and don’t let these common errors catch you!
5 Things You Need To Know About The Medicaid Rate Change In GA
/in Agency Operations, Billing and Claims, GEOH News, Home Care News/by Bailey Anderson1. The new rate changes are effective July 1st, 2022.
You may be missing out on money. That’s right – the new Medicaid rate increase went into effect on July 1st, 2022. This means that you may already be eligible for the new rates if you’ve been providing Medicaid services to your clients. However, it’s important to check the updated rate tables on the GAMMIS website to see the specific rates that apply to your agency. The bulletin says “ The Fee Schedules or Rate Tables for NOW and COMP providers are now updated in the Georgia Medicaid Management Information System (GAMMIS) with rates reflecting an increase with an effective date of July 1, 2022. “
2. You must download the changes to see the updates.
Don’t assume that the updated rate tables will automatically appear on the GAMMIS website. Instead, you must download the changes to see the updated rates. Be sure to check the provider manuals on the DBHDD website for the latest Medicaid reimbursement rates.
Here is the link to download the DHBHDD Bulletin.
3. You can only file a new claim for 90 days, but it is not required.
Claims can be adjusted within three months (90 days) of the original claim filing date and resubmitted. We know this is a confusing process. You may want to resubmit claims for the last 90 days to get paid quicker however, this is not necessary. DCH strongly recommends providers NOT void claims. Voided claims are set to recoupment by the system and any problems experienced in rebilling the original claims will result in a delay in a provider agency’s ability to quickly recover those funds. We are here to help at GEOH.
4. Here’s the number if you have some major billing questions.
If you’re unsure about how the new rate changes will affect your agency’s billing, don’t hesitate to contact GEOH. They have representatives available to answer any questions you may have about the billing process. Just give them a call to get the help you need. If you have any questions about the billing process, don’t hesitate to contact the Call Center: 317-495-6363
5. There’s a company out there that can do all of your billing for you!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of navigating the new Medicaid rate changes on your own, don’t worry – there’s a solution. At GEOH, we specialize in helping Georgia agencies with their billing needs, and best of all, our services are affordable even for smaller agencies. So, if you want to save time and grow your business, reach out to us today!
In conclusion, the Medicaid rate change in Georgia is exciting news for agency owners. But it’s important to stay informed about all the facts and changes to make sure you’re taking advantage of the new rates. Remember to check the DBHDD website for updates, file for reimbursement, and reach out for help if you need it. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to success in the changing world of Medicaid billing in Georgia
8 Ways to Keep Your Caregivers from Leaving Your Business
/in Agency Operations, GEOH News, Growing Your Agency, Recruiting, Training and Retaining Caregivers/by GEOHAs a Home Health Care agency owner, you know that having the right quality and quantity of caregivers on your team is key to keeping your business successful. As anyone in this industry knows, turnover can be very high – often leading to decreased satisfaction among both clients and staff. It’s important that you create an environment conducive to hiring and retaining personnel in order for your agency to succeed.
Not only are you looking for trustworthy individuals who will provide quality service to your clients – they must also stay with you long enough to ensure continuity within your agency. To help combat turnover in your agency, it’s essential that you take proactive steps to retain existing caregivers and prevent them from leaving
In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on how to keep caregivers from leaving your business so you can focus on growing your agency.
1. Give caregivers a break every once in a while.
Taking a break is an easy, cost-free way to help boost the morale of your caregivers. So make sure you let them take some much-deserved R&R! A recommended break time is 15 minutes every 3-4 hours. Encourage them to take a walk, call a friend, or eat a snack. This will allow them to have time to rethink or even refuel their bodies with food and water. By taking a break, your caregivers can come back refreshed and able to provide better care – creating an obvious win-win situation. You’ll be happy with their improved focus.
2. Let them know their work is appreciated.
Thank-you notes don’t have to be complicated or expensive – but they can make a big difference. Our previous blogs explored gifts for caregivers, an admirable gesture of appreciation no doubt. But, sometimes just recognizing their efforts with a heartfelt thank you letter goes further than any amount of money could ever do! A simple thank you can go an incredibly long way, with proven boosts in staff morale and better retention rates! Don’t forget: saying ‘thank you’ not only lets workers know that their efforts are noticed but also makes them feel valued and respected. To get started on creating your own heartwarming expression of gratitude, here’s our tried-and-true template:
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work and let you know that it does not go unnoticed. Caregiving can be such a challenging job, but every day you are helping someone and making such a difference in their lives. It’s no small feat we know; it takes patience, resilience, and true dedication! Thank you for all you do. You’re awesome!
3. Provide proper training and support.
Providing proper training and support can be so important for retaining caregivers. There is no worse feeling than showing up to a new job and having no idea what to do. Make sure to have someone patient and kind when teaching your staff, someone who doesn’t mind showing them how to do things. Providing proper training and support could help someone stay with your agency.
4. Offer competitive wages and benefits.
Although this might not be feasible for every agency, having competitive wages or a bonus system might be a great way to handle retention. We know this may be hard for a lot of agency owners because they might not even be getting paid on time themselves, if this sounds like you, you may want to consider using GEOH so you can get paid on time and have more money available to your caregivers.
5. Give your staff a gift.
Sometimes a small gift for your caregivers can go a long way. You may want to consider giving your staff a gift. A cup of coffee from Starbucks, a customized cup with their name on it, and stuffing it with their favorite candy are some of our favorite ideas. Remember the key to this is customization make sure to get their favorite, not yours! Ask for their favorite candy and coffee order in advance so you can be prepared.
6. Respect their time off requests.
We’ve all been working somewhere where we would like a day off and your boss says no, or flat-out schedules you anyway. It’s no fun to miss your child’s baseball game, have to work when you’re sick, or have to stay working a schedule that is not feasible for you. When your workers request time off, honor their request the first time and then send them a note saying I am honoring your time off request for ______ and hope you have a restful day off. This may go a long way when you are competing against agencies that do not honor their time off requests.
7. Communicate well and often as the boss.
Communication is something that can make a workplace frustrating. If you have to change the schedule- send a text. If you make an office change, try sending an email. Just remember that you can’t over-communicate with your staff and they will appreciate your openness.
8. Consider allowing longer lunch breaks.
A longer lunch break can quickly seem like a luxury to someone who does not have a lot of time. Offering a long lunch break could be nice so your caregivers could grab lunch out, or take a moment for themselves, an added bonus would be nice if you could offer them a lunch break paid! This would be a good option for your agency to show appreciation to your caregivers if you could not afford to give them a raise.
The great resignation is something we have all been familiar with as agency owners. More than ever before, Caregivers are quitting their jobs to move into a new field or moving to a new agency. This makes keeping caregivers a huge problem for agency owners.
Most importantly, make sure to let your caregivers know you care. Showing that you appreciate their hard work will go a long way in making them feel like part of the team and make it more likely they will stick around through the good and bad times.
With the right mindset and by taking advantage of all the tools available to you today, you should have no trouble keeping your talented staff around for years to come!